Monday, January 28, 2008

Farewell to Mom and Dad! (for now)

This weekend we had a nice get together to say goodbye to Mom and Dad before they left on their mission to Salt Lake City. Chris drove down from Sacramento and all of us here in Visalia gathered at my parents' house to listen to them get set apart as missionaries. It was so great. We are all so proud of our Mom and Dad and will miss them terribly. But, luckily they won't be too far away, so we can start planning our first trip to visit them! David and Sharilyn will be so lucky to have them so close for the next year.

A Proud Mommy Moment

I was a very proud mother last week as I watched Eleanor walk across the stage in front of her entire school to accept her "Terrific Kid" Award! She was chosen by her teacher to be the terrific kid for the month of December. She was so nervous to walk across that stage, because she is very very shy! But, she did so well and I was soooo proud of her! I had to explain to her though, that the bumper sticker "My child is a terrific kid" was not going on the car.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Somehow someone's swimming pool ended up in our front yard. Is anyone missing a children's pool?

Another shot of the backyard.

Tornadoish winds touch the Reher family

"As we were preparing to go to church we were rudely interupted by some very strong winds! Here are a few pictures of the "devistation."

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dale and Rachael Reher family

Friday night out!

Lucas and his most favorite babysitter, Rebecca!

Britton and Eleanor

After moving Leah's piano to her house and bookshelves to my house, we had a fun Friday night out at McDonald's with the cousins!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mom Turns 45 !

Sunday we all came over to celebrate Mom's birthday. Rachael and Leah both cooked a big pot of one of our favorites growing up, Mom's pork chop stew. It was yummy! After dinner the kids decorated cupcakes. It was a great day. Bet Mom never thought the day she turned 45 would ever come! :-) Happy Birthday Mom!

Coronado Marshmallow Roast and Sand Angels

After Christmas, Dave and I took the kids down to Coronado Island to visit Dave's brother Mike and his family. Mike, Sarah and their 4 boys showed us such a great time! Dave's sister Carrie was also there with her husband James and their 2 kids as well as his sister Becky. Eleanor and Lucas had a blast playing around on the beach. Eleanor and her cousin BeccaBee even got in the ocean up to their knees! I don't know how they did it...the water was freeeeezing! Here are a few photos of our trip.

......just chillin in the sand